Every crisis an opportunity for growth
Daily Mirror Editorial
May 5, 2012

The crisis in Dambula has left many troubled and disappointed. There is a common maxim however, that every crisis could become an opportunity for something new to evolve, and work for society’s benefit. It’s an invitation for adherents to the principles of compassion and loving kindness that were taught by our spiritual guides ranging from religious teachers to parents.

We may fulfil religious observances and yet if we do not love and care for others, we could live a self-destructive life. The need of the hour is to love not just those of our own kind, who are easy to get on with, but those who’s culture, religion or race or anything else differs from our own. Therein lies the measure of one who is truly on a journey of liberative spirituality.

Compassion and loving kindness practised in the midst of any social or religious upheaval have a positive effect on people and society. The living of these virtues would undoubtedly bring on mental and physical wellbeing and above all tranquility within, whatever the circumstances. Religions would not teach it if it didn’t have supernatural energy that could affect the natural. To show love and compassion in the crisis faced, would open eyes, when seeing such lofty spiritual truths being lived. Otherwise, what use is there in compassion and kindness if it wouldn’t help deal with differences between husband and wife, social or religious groups? In fact, stronger would relationships and amity become.

On the other spectrum, if one prefers to think only of self or resorts to fanning the flames of egoism or social and religious intolerance, then opportunity for growth will be hindered. Generally it happens when domestic, social or religious crises occur, there is in human beings their good side that wants to take control and put things right. There is also the dark side that could lose control of the situation, when panic overwhelms; the fear of the ego being threatened, or pride being hurt. The choice is ours to make. It becomes a matter between life and death. It is heartening to see some dignitaries of all religions coming together to resolve issues. Yet there would be possibly an equal number doing just the opposite; sowing the seeds of discord or resorting to chest-thumping techniques. The citadel doors of religious establishments are creaking open slowly to release long held prisoners. Environments they themselves had created. As a poet said, “Let not your houses be an anchor, but a mast.”

Source: Daily Mirror - Sri Lanka