Apr 15, 2009
Undoubtedly everyone would like to save energy and thereby money too, if only they knew the answer! How many are aware of such a scientific method? Being a qualified chemist with a PhD in Chemistry, I am bold enough to throw up an open challenge for anyone to invite me for a demonstration and reveal my 'chemical' secret . Not only that, I am prepared to 'throw out' Rs.100,000 ( one hundred thousand Sri Lankan Rupees in cash or equivalent, should I become a failure during an open demonstration.)

All it requires is a person, an organisation, supermarket chain, government organisation, an eco- friendly organisation or any other body who can take up my challenge.

I will demonstrate within minutes how to cook rice perfectly - yes within few minutes! I will show any adult or even a child who has just started secondary schooling who has not been near a cooker or anyone who has not seen his wife cooking !

I take rice as an example because one should know how to cook rice before one could cook anything else. And of course, rice is the staple diet of Asians , and even western pallets are increasingly getting used to eating rice.

In my demonstration I will show how to save energy (gas) approximately 75% following my method. I will show how the actual waiting time in the kitchen to cook rice can be largely cut down. The figure of 75% is an approximate because it can slightly vary due to the type of the cooker used and dependent on the supply of gas.

If necessary I can demonstrate cooking three other curries [different dishes] and rice within 45 minutes, adequate for eight to six peoples consumption. If it is just rice, then it will be fun because I will be able to do something else like the watching the TV simultaneously while the rice is being cooked. This simply boils down to one thing - that I do not have to be in the kitchen at all while cooking rice.

May I add that my method is ideal for busy people, because as we all know time is heavy ! and one does not necessarily have to be a slave to ‘ take away food’ just because one is busy.

I practice what I preach. I am certain that the medical practitioners, nutritionists or even the dieticians would go along with my type of cooking which will cut down on obesity - while the food will have more flavour and nutritious value too.

If I am given an opportunity to demonstrate and if only a scientist can prove that it is claptrap or hogwash I am prepared to honour my promise of parting with Rs 100,000/00 [one hundred thousand rupees] in cash. Having said that I would also like to know what recognition or reward I am going to get when I prove myself.

Ideally my ambition is to demonstrate my experiment on a Live TV show in front of a panel of scientists, authorities who are concerned with energy conservation , medical practitioners, celebrity cooks and of course, in the presence of a public audience.

This is my unique idea, no one has ever come up with such a theory, and I am determined to prove it.

I want to invite scientists because cooking is very scientific and I am using such techniques. I therefore would like scientists, teachers and housewives also to witness my work.

Just give a moment’s thought when one million people practice my energy saving method of cooking for a week, then how much national wealth could be saved, for a month, three months then for an year!

Put it very bluntly and scientifically, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So, at the end of my successful demonstration I would also like to know what recognition or reward I am going to get out of it ? Hence I am prepared to put Rs.100,000 or an equivalent amount in sterling on the table.

Hector Perera (perera6@hotmail.co.uk)