'Rajapakshas are patriots'
By G Walimuna
Feb 23, 2010
The political situation in Sri Lanka is not perfect. There is corruption within --and without-- the government institutions, nepotism, and a degree of authoritarian rule that defies the normal constraints.

But at the same time, there has never been a leadership in the country that was as energetic, and determined, as the current government.

We've seen this in one instance beyond any doubt in the war against LTTE, which it won hands down. So, even though it might look unlikely at the moment, what if... and I don't think this is such a outlandish supposition...what if the same outfit--i.e., the Rajapakshas et al--set out to accelerate the development of the country as a whole..., Could that, too, not be done..? I think it could.

The thing to remember is that when analysing the Rajapakshas, you have correctly identify their mindset. Most people, such as the writer of this article, seems convinced that the Rajapakshas are entirely self serving and power hungry, grabbing whatever they could whenever they could. There is certainly an element of that. But to totally believe that aspect of it is to miss a yet more defining and a central trait in them.

They are patriots. They love the country they were born in and are willing to single mindedly do whatever it takes to make it a better place. And they are strong leaders, whatever the faults.

This last is almost an anomaly in a place like Sri Lanka. So I believe, against all bets by the so called liberal media--and The Times seems to have a particularly harsh take on Rajapakshas and Sri Lankan politics--the fuzzy logic of this third world country would spin out a little gem.

Courtesy: Times Online