3 Men in Jail
Posted by The BaLLeR on January 11, 1998 at 18:19:13:

There were 3 guys that escaped from jail.They were out the gates and and almost to freedom.Suddenly a Guard walks out.The 3 guys that escaped said 'we got to split up or he will find us!'. So the guys split up.......The guard walked by a tree and heard some rattling,The guard said whos there?WHO WHO The 1st escapee said.The guard said shoo,its just an owl.He started walking again
suddenly he heard a second tree move,he said whos there?ARF ARF The 2nd escapee said.The guard said shoo,its just a dog.So the guard was walking by a potato field.Suddenly he heard a sound.The guard said whos there.The 3rd escapee said P--O--T--A--T--O!

HINT < Hes acting like a potato. >

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